Everything was thoughtfully created. I especially love the pattern designs and the story behind it!

—Maki Mak

WOW! Mel truly blew me away with her attention to detail.

She made the process smooth and hassle-free. I highly recommend Mel for her talent, professionalism, and dedication to bringing creative visions to life.

—Torey Kehoe

Mel captured the essence of my brand’s personality!

I am so excited to have a brand that reflects my work now. Mel totally killed it, I love it so much!

—Giulia Pietrantonio

Mel outdid herself. It was exactly what I wanted!

My business feels more professional and elevated after working together, exactly what my hair brand needed.

—Sara Bailey

Mel delivered above and beyond my expectations.

Mel understood what my beauty brand needed, I love what she created, and so do my clients!

—Jess Dikson

I’ve had so many compliments on my branding already!

A brand design that feels completely tailored to me and perfectly defines my identity as a luxury stylist!

—Daniela Quarto

I love everything!

Branding can get more clients in your chair—I’ll show you how. Fill out the form to get started.

Beautify your business